Monday, April 25, 2011

Brow - Reflects Emotions

Welcome to my body-wisdom blog. Each day I have picked a body-wisdom card from my forthcoming book "Suzy Prudden's Body Wisdom Book and Cards." Like a Tarot card, Body Wisdom gives you suggestions for the issues of the day and an affirmation to facilitate moving beyond those issues.


The Brow Reflects Your Mind and Your Thinking

Life issues for the Brow whether you are reflecting a state of constant worry and upset and other negative emotions.

(These are to be used if you if you suffer from constant negative mind chatter and emotions.)

It's Now Okay To Find The Joy In My Life And Know That I'm Okay.


The brow reflects the mind's reflections. It is a barometer of what's going on inside. Worry, upset, anger, surprise, fear, puzzlement, concentration, joy, openness and delight are just a few of the expressions that appear on the brow. If you follow the lines that develop on your brow, you can discover the underlying attitudes you hold in life. By discovering them you can decide if they serve you. If you feel they don't serve you, you can work to heal them.

If you have drawn the Brow Card you may want to look at the emotional elements of your mind-chatter. Reflect on the predominant emotions in your life at this time. Are you constantly angry or upset? Are you delighted with life? Are you open to people and ideas around you? Ask yourself what has to change in order to bring more joy, openness and delight into your life.

To work with Brow Issues ask your Higher Self what it is that you need to know about the predominant emotions you are feeling at this time. When you have an answer ask your Higher Self what you need to do to change the emotions that are not serving you at this time (remember, you can effect your emotions you do not have to be at the effect of them. To change your emotions, use the affirmations to change the thoughts that are generating them). Do not judge the answers from you Higher Self. Do not get in your own way with doubts about your ability to do whatever comes to your mind. Simply write down what comes to you.

Find the affirmation that you feel best suits your needs in this moment. Or make up an affirmation that you feel more closely satisfies your needs at this time. Write the affirmation on a 3 x 5 card. Carry it with you, rather than posting it somewhere, and read it numerous times throughout the day. (If you post it, it will soon become invisible to you and you will get no benefit from it.)

Your affirmation for today is, “It's now okay to find the joy in my life and know that I'm okay.” Write the affirmation on a 3 x 5 card. Carry it with you, rather than posting it somewhere, and read it numerous times during the day. (If you post it, it will soon become invisible to you and you will get no benefit from it.)

To preorder my body wisdom book and accompanying cards so you can do readings for yourself, click here.

Note From Suzy

I am offering a new Suzy Prudden Weight Loss program that introduces my new book "Suzy Prudden's One Stop Weight Loss Revolution." The second edition of my best selling book "MetaFitness: Your Thoughts Taking Shape." My fitness book "Once Over Lightly" 14 Creative Visualization and Relaxation processes on the revolutionary NewReality Key - a pocket size light and sound machine with MP4 capability. 365 Body Wisdom affirmations. A weight loss coaching session and a two day workshop with Suzy Prudden herself. To find out more click here.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

FOURTH TOE - Creative Power And Self-Expression

Welcome to my body-wisdom blog. Each day I have picked a body-wisdom card from my forthcoming book "Suzy Prudden's Body Wisdom Book and Cards." Like a Tarot card, Body Wisdom gives you suggestions for the issues of the day and an affirmation to facilitate moving beyond those issues.


The Fourth Toe Represents Creative Power and Self-Expression

Life issues for the fourth toe include whether or not you are exercising your creativity and self-expression alone or in a group and whether that choice works for you.

(These are to be used if you have physical or emotional pain in either of your fourth toes or if your choice to express creative in a group or alone is good for you.)

It's Now Okay To Move Myself Forward Creatively In The Best Way For Me.


The Fourth Toe represents your creative power, self-expression and your ability to merge with others or to remain autonomous.

When you draw the Fourth Toe Card you are being asked to look at your opportunities and your choice in the way you have chosen to exercise your creativity. Does working in a group make more sense to you or does working alone work better? If you find that your choice is not working for you, perhaps now is the time to make a change. Pay particular attention to whether you actually want to be committed to the things you have chosen in your life. Are you going in the direction you have chosen because it's easier to go in that direction than make a chance? What has to happen in your life for you to change?

To work with Fourth Toe Issues ask your Higher Self what you need to know about how you feel about the way you are expressing your creativity. If your message is that you are in the right place, continue. If the message is that you would be happier in a different way of being, ask your self what has to happen for you to make the changes you want. Write the questions about what you need to change with your dominant hand, write your answers with your non-dominant hand. When you have an answer, ask your Higher Self. Do not judge the answers. Do not get in your own way with doubts about your ability to do whatever comes to your mind. Simply write down what comes to you. You can do this more than once. "Your last question of each session should be, "What else do I need to know today?"

Your affirmation for today is, “It's now okay to move myself forward creatively in the best way for me. Write the affirmation on a 3 x 5 card. Carry it with you, rather than posting it somewhere, and read it numerous times during the day. (If you post it, it will soon become invisible to you and you will get no benefit from it.)

To preorder my body wisdom book and accompanying cards so you can do readings for yourself, click here.

Note From Suzy

I am offering a new Suzy Prudden Weight Loss program that introduces my new book "Suzy Prudden's One Stop Weight Loss Revolution." The second edition of my best selling book "MetaFitness: Your Thoughts Taking Shape." My fitness book "Once Over Lightly" 14 Creative Visualization and Relaxation processes on the revolutionary NewReality Key - a pocket size light and sound machine with MP4 capability. 365 Body Wisdom affirmations. A weight loss coaching session and a two day workshop with Suzy Prudden herself. To find out more click here.

Monday, April 18, 2011

BLOOD - Living Fully with Integrity

Welcome to my body-wisdom blog. Each day I have picked a body-wisdom card from my forthcoming book "Suzy Prudden's Body Wisdom Book and Cards." Like a Tarot card, Body Wisdom gives you suggestions for the issues of the day and an affirmation to facilitate moving beyond those issues.


Blood Represents The Enriching And Purifying Flow Of The Life Force.

Life issues for blood include whether or not you are living fully and in integrity.

(These are to be used if you feel depleted, tired, depressed in your life. If you feel that you are dealing with issues of integrity in the way you deal with others and in your community.).

It's Now Okay For Me To Live Life Fully And With Integrity To The Best Of My Ability.


Your Blood represents the enriching and purifying flow of life force. It deals with issues like depression and being out of integrity within your life, your job, your relationships and your community. Most of all it deals with being in integrity with yourself..

When you draw the Blood Card you are being asked to look at whether or not your are living fully in every area of your life, whether you are living in integrity, and whether you are restricted in your life and depressed. Pay particular attention to whether you actually want in terms of living fully and whether you are taking action in your life to move yourself into living fully and richly. Are you creating your life with energy, action and integrity or are you waiting for life to happen? Can you say that you enjoy your life? If not what has to happen in order to create joy in your life?

To work with Blood Issues ask your Higher Self what you need to know about whether you are living fully with integrity. Ask yourself whether you are in the kind of action that brings enrichment and enjoyment into your life. If not, what has to happen for you to enrich your life? How are you when it comes to figuring out how to take action in your life that will move it forward? Write your questions with your dominant hand. Write your answers with your non-dominant hand. When you have an answer, ask your Higher Self what you need to do to shift your relationship with your responsibilities and your inner knowing so that they support you in a positive way. Do not judge the answers. Do not get in your own way with doubts about your ability to do whatever comes to your mind. Simply write down what comes to you.

Your affirmation for today is, “It's now okay for me to live life fully and with integrity to the best of my ability.” Write the affirmation on a 3 x 5 card. Carry it with you, rather than posting it somewhere, and read it numerous times during the day. (If you post it, it will soon become invisible to you and you will get no benefit from it.)

To preorder my body wisdom book and accompanying cards so you can do readings for yourself, click here.

Note From Suzy

I am offering a new Suzy Prudden Weight Loss program that introduces my new book "Suzy Prudden's One Stop Weight Loss Revolution." The second edition of my best selling book "MetaFitness: Your Thoughts Taking Shape." My fitness book "Once Over Lightly" 14 Creative Visualization and Relaxation processes on the revolutionary NewReality Key - a pocket size light and sound machine with MP4 capability. 365 Body Wisdom affirmations. A weight loss coaching session and a two day workshop with Suzy Prudden herself. To find out more click here.

Monday, April 11, 2011

FAT- Protection and Denial Of Feelings

Welcome to my body-wisdom blog. Each day I have picked a body-wisdom card from my forthcoming book "Suzy Prudden's Body Wisdom Book and Cards." Like a Tarot card, Body Wisdom gives you suggestions for the issues of the day and an affirmation to facilitate moving beyond those issues.


Fat Represents Protection From External Attack And Denial Of Feelings.

Life issues for fat include whether or not you are protecting yourself from the world with your fat, and whether you are stuffing your feelings and emotions by eating too much..

(These are to be used if you have issues with fat and weight gain that you cannot seem to get under control.)

It's Now Okay To Know That I Am Safe.


Fat represents protection from external attack and denial of feelings. Fat represents fear and self-limitation. Fat is the body's way of protecting itself both physically and emotionally. The more overweight one becomes, the deeper the feelings are buried. Fat may also be a mechanism for covering over anger and disappointment. It is a great self-limiter in that it protects you from having to do things that scare you even if the keep you from having what you want or being successful in ways that stretch your comfort zone. Fat also protects the body from chemical toxins. It is the shield that protects the vital organs. By extension, fat is the bodyguard that protects you from negative people or experiences, real or imagined. In some cases, when a person cannot say “no” easily, fat acts as the naysayer.

If you draw the fat card you may want to look at the areas in your life where you are protecting yourself, or where you are in need of protection. You may also want to examine where you are hiding your inner rage and disappointment. You may want to examine how protecting yourself also limits you. To help you in this process, draw another card to see what area of your life is being protected and what that area represents in your life. Where do you not say "no," in your life when it is necessary and justified? Is your body protecting you from toxic people, events or the poisons of your environment. What stands are you avoiding and how can you empower yourself to take them? Remember not all fat is wrong for you. You may have everything you want but your health is in danger. Look at how fat works for you and how it doesn't and change what doesn't.

To work with Fat Issues ask your Higher Self what you need to know about what you are protecting yourself from and if that protection is limiting your life in some way. Ask yourself if stuffing yourself is stuffing your feelings. Ask yourself whether your fat is getting in the way of your success. If it is, what has to happen for you to change, lose weight, so that you can have what you want the way you want to have it? Write your questions with your dominant hand. Write your answers with your non-dominant hand. When you have an answer, ask your Higher Self what you need to do to shift your relationship with fat so that fat supports you in a positive way. Do not judge the answers. Simply write down what comes to you. Your last question of every session should be," What else do I have to know today?"

Your affirmation for today is, “It's now okay to know that I am safe. Write the affirmation on a 3 x 5 card. Carry it with you, rather than posting it somewhere, and read it numerous times during the day. (If you post it, it will soon become invisible to you and you will get no benefit from it.)

To preorder my body wisdom book and accompanying cards so you can do readings for yourself, click here.

Note From Suzy

I am offering a new Suzy Prudden Weight Loss program that introduces my new book "Suzy Prudden's One Stop Weight Loss Revolution." The second edition of my best selling book "MetaFitness: Your Thoughts Taking Shape." My fitness book "Once Over Lightly" 14 Creative Visualization and Relaxation processes on the revolutionary NewReality Key - a pocket size light and sound machine with MP4 capability. 365 Body Wisdom affirmations. A weight loss coaching session and a two day workshop with Suzy Prudden herself. To find out more click here.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

SKIN - Senses and Protects

Welcome to my body-wisdom blog. Each day I have picked a body-wisdom card from my forthcoming book "Suzy Prudden's Body Wisdom Book and Cards." Like a Tarot card, Body Wisdom gives you suggestions for the issues of the day and an affirmation to facilitate moving beyond those issues.


The Skin Senses And Protects.

Life issues for the skin include whether or not you are alert to the world around
you and whether you protect yourself properly when necessary. Sensing the world
around you includes listening to and acting on your intuition.

(These are to be used if you have physical or emotional pain or conditions that affect
the skin like psoriasis or hives and if you notice that you do not pay attention to
your intuition and pay a price for ignoring it.)

It's Now Okay To Pay Attention To My Senses As They Guide And Protect Me In The World


Your skin senses and protects.  It guards your individuality. Problems with your skin show a lack of belief in your own individuality or indicates you may feel invaded by others.  Your skin is a sensor.  When you have skin problems, you may be denying your senses, not allowing yourself to fully hear, see, feel, taste or smell.  Sensing also means allowing yourself to intuit situations.  Skin problems may be the manifestation of your inability or unwillingness to follow your own sense of knowing.

When you draw the Skin Card you are being asked to look at whether you pay attention to your intuition and properly protect yourself when interacting with people or other threats. Pay particular attention to whether you protect yourself from skin damage from the sun or poiisonous plants or harsh chemicals. Pay attention to where you walk and how you feel about the world around you. If something "makes your skin crawl," listen attentively and take action to protect yourself.

To work with Skin Issues ask your Higher Self what you need to know about how what your skin or your intuition are telling you. Even if you don't get a firm answer, take action to protect yourself. Write your questions with your dominant hand, write your answers with your non-dominant hand. When you have an answer, ask your Higher Self what you need to do to take protective action. Do not judge the answers. Simply write down what comes to you. Your last question of any session should be "What else do I need to know today?" and in the case of the skin, "What else do I need to do today?"

Your affirmation for today is, “It's now okay to pay attention to my senses as they guide and protect me in the world, Write the affirmation on a 3 x 5 card. Carry it with you, rather than posting it somewhere, and read it numerous times during the day. (If you post it, it will soon become invisible to you and you will get no benefit from it.)

To preorder my body wisdom book and accompanying cards so you can do readings for yourself, click here.

Note From Suzy

I am offering a new Suzy Prudden Weight Loss program that introduces my new book "Suzy Prudden's One Stop Weight Loss Revolution." The second edition of my best selling book "MetaFitness: Your Thoughts Taking Shape." My fitness book "Once Over Lightly" 14 Creative Visualization and Relaxation processes on the revolutionary NewReality Key - a pocket size light and sound machine with MP4 capability. 365 Body Wisdom affirmations. A weight loss coaching session and a two day workshop with Suzy Prudden herself. To find out more click here.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

INDEX FINGER - Ambition, Ego, Fear and Leadership Abilitie

Welcome to my body-wisdom blog. Each day I have picked a body-wisdom card from my forthcoming book "Suzy Prudden's Body Wisdom Book and Cards." Like a Tarot card, Body Wisdom gives you suggestions for the issues of the day and an affirmation to facilitate moving beyond those issues.


The Index Finger Represents Ambition, Ego, Fear and Leadership Abilities

Life issues for the index finger includes whether or not you are exercising your leadership Abilities or whether you are letting your ego or fear get in the way of what you want.

(These are to be used if you have physical pain or injury in your index fingers and if you
notice that fear or ego are getting in the way of what you want in live.)

It's Now Okay To Work With My Ego, Feel My Fear And
Fulfill My Ambitions Anyway.


The index finger represents ambition, ego, fear and leadership abilities. It symbolizes your willingness to follow your intuition, your skill at handling money and projects.

When you draw the Index Finger Card you are being asked to examine the way you act as a leader. Is your ambition being realized? Is you ambition outstripping your abilities? Is your ego dominating your position and hurting your success, or does ego work for you? Are fears holding you back or stopping you from realizing your goals? Are ambition and fear fighting each other so that no matter how you strive you always stop yourself from reaching your goals? Are you listening to your intuition? Are you aware that you have an intuition? Is ego getting in the way of intuition? Are you handling money well? Do you plan your projects and follow your plan from start to finish?

To work with Index Finger Issues ask your Higher Self what you need to know about how to realize your ambition. What you need to know or do to get your ego out of the way and realize your leadership potential. Are you following your intuition or are you blocking it out because your ego gets in the way? What do you need to know about handling money? What do you need to know about planning and finishing projects? When you have an answer, ask your Higher Self what you need to do to shift your relationship with your responsibilities and your inner knowing so that they support you in a positive way. Do not judge the answers. Do not get in your own way with doubts about your ability to do whatever comes to your mind. Simply write down what comes to you using your dominant hand to ask the question, and your non-dominant hand to write the answers. Your last question should always be "Is there anything else I need to know today?"

Your affirmation for today is, “It's now okay to work with my ego, feel my fear and
fulfill my ambitions anyway.” Write the affirmation on a 3 x 5 card. Carry it with you, rather than posting it somewhere, and read it numerous times during the day. (If you post it, it will soon become invisible to you and you will get no benefit from it.)

To preorder my body wisdom book and accompanying cards so you can do readings for yourself, click here.

Note From Suzy

I am offering a new Suzy Prudden Weight Loss program that introduces my new book "Suzy Prudden's One Stop Weight Loss Revolution." The second edition of my best selling book "MetaFitness: Your Thoughts Taking Shape." My fitness book "Once Over Lightly" 14 Creative Visualization and Relaxation processes on the revolutionary NewReality Key - a pocket size light and sound machine with MP4 capability. 365 Body Wisdom affirmations. A weight loss coaching session and a two day workshop with Suzy Prudden herself. To find out more click here.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

BREASTS-Nurturing Yourself and Others

Welcome to my body-wisdom blog. Each day I have picked a body-wisdom card from my forthcoming book "Suzy Prudden's Body Wisdom Book and Cards." Like a Tarot card, Body Wisdom gives you suggestions for the issues of the day and an affirmation to facilitate moving beyond those issues.


The Breasts Represent Nurturing And Nourishing The Self And Others.

Life issues for the breasts include whether or not you enjoy nurturing others as well as whether or not your are receiving nurturing from others.

(These are to be used if you have physical pain or disease involving your breasts, if you resent nurturing or nourishing others or if you feel nourished or nurtured by others.)

It's Now Okay To Be Balanced In Giving And Receiving
Nurturing For Myself And Others.


Your breasts represent nurturing and nourishing yourself and others. They also represent nourishment both physically, as in food, and emotionally, as in feelings. When one does not get enough nourishment either from others or from oneself, one may experience breast discomfort.  When a woman is a nurturer but does not enjoy being a nurturer, or finds herself giving to others at her own expense, she may experience breast problems.  Breasts also represent a woman’s feeling about her own femininity and sensuality.

When you draw the Breasts Card you are being asked to look at how you nurture yourself and others and how you feel about nurturing. Pay particular attention to whether you actually want to nurture others or whether the nurturing has been forced upon you and you resent it. Are you good at nurturing others but always put yourself last? Do you feel depleted by the demands that are placed upon you? Do you ask for and receive what you need? Do you feel nurturing nurtures you as well as the people with whom you interact and to whom you give? Do you feel comfortable about your own sensuality?

To work with Breast Issues ask your Higher Self what you need to know about how you feel about nurturing both yourself and others. Ask yourself whether you are comfortable with your sexuality and sensuality. Whether you enjoy or resent nourishing others or if these responsibilities have been thrust upon you without conscious decision or thought. When you have an answer, ask your Higher Self what you need to do to shift your relationship with these responsibilities and your inner knowing so that they support you in a positive way. Do not judge the answers. Do not get in your own way with doubts about your ability to do whatever comes to your mind. Simply write down what comes to you using your dominant hand to ask the question and your non-dominant hand to write the answers.  The last question should always be, "What else do I need to know today?"

Your affirmation for today is, “It's now okay to be balanced in giving and receiving nurturing for myself and others. Write the affirmation on a 3 x 5 card. Carry it with you, rather than posting it somewhere, and read it numerous times during the day. (If you post it, it will soon become invisible to you and you will get no benefit from it.)

To preorder my body wisdom book and accompanying cards so you can do readings for yourself, click here.

Note From Suzy

I am offering a new Suzy Prudden Weight Loss program that introduces my new book "Suzy Prudden's One Stop Weight Loss Revolution." The second edition of my best selling book "MetaFitness: Your Thoughts Taking Shape." My fitness book "Once Over Lightly" 14 Creative Visualization and Relaxation processes on the revolutionary NewReality Key - a pocket size light and sound machine with MP4 capability. 365 Body Wisdom affirmations. A weight loss coaching session and a two day workshop with Suzy Prudden herself. To find out more click here.

Friday, April 1, 2011

THIGHS - Holding Repressed Anger and Feelings of Powerlessness.

Welcome to my body-wisdom blog. Each day I have picked a body-wisdom card from my forthcoming book "Suzy Prudden's Body Wisdom Book and Cards." Like a Tarot card, Body Wisdom gives you suggestions for the issues of the day and an affirmation to facilitate moving beyond those issues.


Thighs Represent Strength And Forward Motion.
They Hold Repressed Anger And Feelings Of Powerlessness.

Life issues for the thighs include whether or not you frequently dealing with stored anger - from childhood or events of the past and whether you frequently feel powerless in your life. Both power

(These are to be used if you have physical or emotional pain and if you
suffer from guilt in any are of your life.)

It's Now Okay To Release The Past,
Heal Old Anger And Move Forward With Power and Ease.


Thighs represent strength and forward motion. They hold repressed anger and feelings of powerlessness.  Excess weight on the thighs may mean you are holding on to the past or negative childhood memories associated with anger and rage.  Very often, if you cannot express that anger, or you feel impotent in your anger, you may gain weight in your thighs.  Powerlessness and anger are two headed monsters.  Where you have one you generally have the other.  Pain in, or injury of, your thighs is also an expression of repressed anger and feelings of powerlessness.

To work with Thigh Issues ask your Higher Self what you need to know about how your past is showing up as suppressed anger or powerlessness. Ask yourself whether feelings of anger or powerlessness may be linked to a situation in the past where you were powerless, situation that left you with deep rage that could be neither fixed nor eliminated.  Write your questions about your feelings of rage or powerlessness with your dominant hand, write your answers with your non-dominant hand. When you have an answer, ask your Higher Self what you need to do to shift your relationship with your responsibilities and your inner knowing so that they support you in a positive way. Do not judge the answers. Do not get in your own way with doubts about your ability to do whatever comes to your mind. Simply write down what comes to you.

If a specific memory disturbs you and makes you feel angry or powerless it is time to put this memory behind you. Email me and I will email ling a link a process to put old memories behind you back.  If you cannot remember the specific situation but have the feelings, this process will allow you to eliminate the feelings without making you remember the situation.

Your affirmation for today is, “It's now okay to release the past, heal old anger and move forward with power and ease.” Write the affirmation on a 3 x 5 card. Carry it with you, rather than posting it somewhere, and read it numerous times during the day. (If you post it, it will soon become invisible to you and you will get no benefit from it.)

To preorder my body wisdom book and accompanying cards so you can do readings for yourself, click here.

Note From Suzy

I am offering a new Suzy Prudden Weight Loss program that introduces my new book "Suzy Prudden's One Stop Weight Loss Revolution." The second edition of my best selling book "MetaFitness: Your Thoughts Taking Shape." My fitness book "Once Over Lightly" 14 Creative Visualization and Relaxation processes on the revolutionary NewReality Key - a pocket size light and sound machine with MP4 capability. 365 Body Wisdom affirmations. A weight loss coaching session and a two day workshop with Suzy Prudden herself. To find out more click here.