Welcome to my body-wisdom blog. Each day I have picked a body-wisdom card from my forthcoming book "Suzy Prudden's Body Wisdom Book and Cards." Like a Tarot card, Body Wisdom gives you suggestions for the issues of the day and an affirmation to facilitate moving beyond those issues.
Muscles Hold The Structure Of Life Together And Allow Movement.
Life issues for muscles include feeling so disorganized that it seems impossible
to take any constructive action in life. Muscle issues include feeling stuck.
(These are to be used any time you are confronted with a need for structure because you are so disorganized you cannot move forward in any are of your life.)
It's Now Okay To Move With Ease Within The Structure Of My Life.
Your muscles hold the whole structure of your life together. They represent how you balance and move through all aspects of your life. They allow you to hold yourself together. They let you move within organization and structure. When muscles are sore, it may mean you are having difficulty moving within the structure of your life. Your life may be out of balance. It may be too structured, or you may not have enough structure. When muscles are weak it may indicate you do not have the strength to move your life in the direction you want. When muscles are inflexible you may be holding yourself back.
When you draw the Muscles Card you are being asked to look at the way the structure of your life is affecting movement in any area physical, mental and emotional. This may be in the area of physical organization. You many be held back from what you want because you cannot structure how to achieve what you want. You may feel too overwhelmed to function effectively. If you are physically weak, you should affirm that the more you strengthen your muscles, the more your life advances in all areas.
To work with Muscle Issues ask your Higher Self what you need to know about how you can achieve more structure in your life. How you can use structure to achieve forward motion in any area of your life. You do this by writing your question with your dominant hand and writing your answer with your non-dominant hand. Do not judge the answers. Do not get in your own way with doubts about your ability to do whatever comes to your mind. Simply write down what comes to you. The last question in any right-left writing session should be "What else do I need to do today?"
Your affirmation for today is, “It's now okay to move with ease within the structure of my life.” Write the affirmation on a 3 x 5 card. Carry it with you, rather than posting it somewhere, and read it numerous times during the day. (If you post it, it will soon become invisible to you and you will get no benefit from it.)
To preorder my body wisdom book and accompanying cards so you can do readings for yourself, click here.
Note From Suzy
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